The chemical industry is facing major challenges, especially in Europe and Germany. We are in a difficult economic environment with many geopolitical tensions. Added to this is the global transition to climate neutrality and recycling – a challenge of the century for the chemical industry and BASF. The European Green Deal is particularly challenging. Nowhere else are we confronted with such intensive, far-reaching and restrictive regulation as in Europe. Almost all aspects of life are being radically changed at the same time. The chemical industry is in the middle of a necessary “double-twin transition” – becoming green and digital as well as a circular economy and implementing the new European chemicals law.
At BASF, however, our priorities remain unchanged, because climate change will not wait. We are working intensively to significantly reduce our carbon footprint. By 2030, we want to reduce our emissions by 25% compared to 2018. Our goal: net-zero emissions by 2050. At the same time, we want to grow profitably. In doing so, we are focusing on access to competitive renewable energies and are consistently converting our sites’ electricity requirements to electricity from renewable sources. We are working on the development of innovative technologies and new processes for CO2-free chemical production. Finally, we are increasingly replacing fossil raw materials with recycled or renewable raw materials.
By reducing our CO2 emissions in the value chain, we can further expand our portfolio of products with a low or zero carbon footprint. In this way, we help our customers to achieve their own sustainability goals.