by 2023 abstracts No Comments

Materials recycling and energy saving are burning topics, as the demand for new materials increases and the earth resources become increasingly scarce. In particular, a solution is urgently required to easily separate bonded or coated parts at end-of-life, especially for multimaterial joining.

In this framework, RESCOLL has developed and patented an innovative heat triggered primer for easy separation of multimaterials. This debonding primer, coated between the substrate and the adhesive, aims to debond on-demand by thermal activation without influencing the product shelf-life or performances, and with very low residues on the substrate. This technology is also suitable for paint stripping and separation of laminated materials.

This primer can be used with a wide range of adhesives and coatings and can be used in numerous applications (coated plastics & textiles, bonded composites, coated foams, shoes, …). For instance, most multimaterials used in sport goods or consumer electronics can get enhanced repair or recycling potential with this debonding on demand technology.

Numerous use cases are currently investigated, ranging from maintenance, end-of-life, or temporary fixing. A specific focus will be made on applications in sport goods and electronics, with an overview of on-going developments.


Co-author(s): Robin Szymanski

FEICA Conference