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Ms Kim Suetens is Chair of the FEICA Mixture Assessment Technical Task Force (TTF) and Vice Chair of the Polymers TTF. The Mixture Assessment TTF was created to raise awareness of the impact that the implementation of an MAF on REACH would have on the A&S industry. It also covers the implementation of FEICA use maps. The Polymers TTF participates in the discussions for future amendments to the legal text/annex in order to get exemptions for polymer groups based on sound scientific principles. Kim is also a Member of the FEICA Sustainable Development (SD) Committee, the Chemical Legislation Technical Working Group, the Chemical Strategy for Sustainability (CSS) TTF and the Poison Centres TTF.

At Soudal, Kim Suetens holds the position as Regulatory Affairs Manager. She joined Soudal in 2017 after having worked in the pharmaceutical sector. She has a great passion for human and environmental welfare, this made her achieve an MS in Bioscience Engineering with specialisation in Environmental Technology.

FEICA Conference