“Sustainability” has become an important topic for suppliers and consumers alike, but for Imerys it’s in our DNA. For over 5 years Imerys has run its “Sustainability Challenge ” programme, which serves as an impetus to share best practices and technical solutions that address a number of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, including responsible consumption and production and climate action. For the last 3 years this core value has been combined with the Innovation goals, with each initiative being screened and assessed according to sustainability criteria. The scoring is independently verified outside of the project team with a public commitment from Imerys to ensure that 75% of the new products developed by 2025 will be scored as “SustainAgility solutions”. A number of projects have already been rolled out and many more are in the pipeline: breakthrough precipitated calcium carbonate for high strength sealants; developing a new calcium carbonate that can reduce the carbon footprint of MS systems and also going further in reducing hazardous chemicals; and initiating assessment of post-industrial waste. The presentation will provide different approaches.