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Sustainability is at the top of the agenda of industrial stakeholders, who are increasingly aware of the crucial part they have to play. But the way to go can still intimidate and shut ambitions down. There is good news though: the combination of growth and profitability is possible and can set the new metrics.

Measuring the level of ambition and the speed of the transition of an organization, and benchmarking it against its peers is now possible with adequate tools. Some already exist and show how stakeholders tackle this challenge of combining growth and profitability. While many players progress, adequate tooling helps to see which ones go quicker than the others, and which ones have a higher level of boldness than the others.

Isabelle Kocher de Leyritz will investigate how measuring the transition can help organizations seize their full potential, set up the right level of ambition, and disclose it to their markets with an impactful perspective.

FEICA Conference