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RecyClass worked with the support of the entire plastic packaging value chain to develop better Design for Recycling Guidelines. Through the work done in its laminating adhesives Working Group, more than 25 recyclability tests were performed according to standardized RecyClass Recyclability Evaluation Protocols for PE and for PP films. This led to the most advanced recommendations on how to select and apply laminating adhesives on plastic packaging to ensure the compatibility with recycling of the final packaging. Among the main findings, the distinction of aliphatic/aromatic polyurethanes, and acrylic based laminating adhesives. But also, the identification of laminating adhesives representing a potential risk to generate high level of gels based on their application fields. This work also enabled the development of a new testing procedure to allow more actors of the value chain to be able to test their innovative laminating adhesives under simplified conditions. RecyClass is willing to share this knowledge, collected in the past years, with the full plastic packaging value chain to support and progress in the development of future recyclable flexible packaging. 


Co-author: Fabrizio Di Gregorio

FEICA Conference