Prof. J. M. Martin-Martinez

University Professor

University of Alicante


Prof José Miguel Martín-Martínez is founder and head of the Adhesion and Adhesives Laboratory of the University of Alicante (Spain). Currently, he is Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology and Associate-editor of Rubber Chemistry and Technology. He is an expert on the synthesis, formulation and characterization of different adhesives and well-known specialist on Adhesion. He has imparted more that 400 talks at international conferences and has published about 300 papers in the Web of Science database.

Presentation Abstract

Polyurethanes Made with Mixtures of Polyester and Polycarbonate Diol Polyols Showing Fast Intrinsic Self-Healing at Room Temperature

Repair of adhesives is one of the current needed trends in the development of sustainable solutions. Self-healing of polymers/adhesives is one clever way to in-situ repair adhesives, particularly intrinsic self-healing, because the structural integrity is maintained. However, the current self-healing adhesives/polymers have limited performance because heating is needed and/or the self-healing is slow.
Polyurethanes adhesives are widely used in the joining of different substrates. Several self-healing polyurethanes have been developed but, additional to the above limitations, their syntheses need scarcely available and somewhat sophisticated reactants, and their syntheses are complex.

In this study, new intrinsic self-healing polyurethanes made with mixtures of polycarbonate diol and polyester polyols were synthesized by the one-shot method. All polyurethanes exhibit fast self-healing at 20 ºC in a short time without any external stimulus. The mechanism of self-healing is ascribed to dynamic non-covalent exchange interactions between polycarbonate and polyester soft segments.

The simple synthesis procedure and the ample availability of the reactants used in the synthesis of these polyurethanes makes feasible their industrial production.


Co-authors: Y. Paez-Amieva; J. Júarez-Molina

Presentation Time

Breakout I - Future Adhesives and Sealants

Thursday, 12 September 2024, 14:00 - 14:30

FEICA Conference